Friday, February 13, 2009

Assalamualaikum and morning peeps!!

Well,i didn't go to school today. Yeay! Like i told you from the last post,i was sick. Totally sick. I'm having a fever. Erghh. Pening2 lalat ohh... I took my medicine but still pening. Thank God tomorrow is Saturday. I'm still not going to school tomorrow besides i got tuition. My only hope now is just that, please get well this Sunday. I do n i do want to go to the party. Hihihi...

I called Syepy just now and homework was like sooo damn SIKIT!!! (yeah,that's impossible kay!) Alright,i've got homework to do,tuition tomorrow and rest for only a few hours at night. No wonder i get sick. The doctor said i drink little of water. Err..maybe it's true. Haih,whatever.

Anyway,do you ever wonder how certain people could have so mannyy friends right? Is it because of their attitude? They become friends and sooner they become best friends! What a miracle! Best friends who we can talk to,laugh with and cry with. It was fantastic. If there's anyone in this world who said living without friends is much better..i am most probably gonna call them someone who didn't know how to enjoy their life. In my opinion,friends are the people who enlightens your life besides family. I love friends. Yup,friends are like rainbows (taken from Dann's word,haha!) Have you ever think what's going to happen to you if you don't have friends or someone to talk to? OMG! i can't imagine living like that.

However,i'm sure everyone would agree with this statement. "Friends are colourful. Some are good ones and some could be bad ones." That's why it's very important for you to be careful in looking for friends. Know their heart first,then you will know their realself. Don't judge the book by its cover,okay. Some friends could also be..err, 'talam dua muka'. Sorry,i'm not really good in English kay. Haa..friends yang talam dua muka nilah yang paling menyampah oh. In front of us,they were like angels and behind our backs they become devils. In other word,backstabbers. Oh,i hate backstabbers! Soo much.

Mmm...these are my friends. They enlightens my day.

Alright,that's it with my tunggang-langgang speech. I'm gonna stop here. Pening pale lahh.. Taa :)

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