Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Hero(es)

11.24 am

Hero! In my opinion,everyone has their own heroes. The heroes could be someone they love,someone they admire or their lifesaver. Who knows? Based on the dictionary, hero means a man in mythology and legend who is often of divine ancestry, who is endowed with great courage and strength, celebrated for his bold exploits, and favored by the society or certain someone. I have my own heroes too. Haha! It's heroes not just hero. Hehehe... As u can see, heroes for sports is Roger Federer. He was born in Basel,Switzerland on 8th of August. He is the top and famous tennis player. He used to be the world number one tennis player for 4 consecutive years i guess... I can't stop talking and thinking about him to all my friends. But they keep telling me tat he is not tat special compared to Rafael Nadal ( world num 2. but now already num 1..but still i consider him num 2. haha! ) Mmmph. I didn't like him only for his look but i like him bcoz of his talents. OMG!!! I really love to see his strokes and backhands. I think he is better than Nadal except for Nadal strokes is more powerful sometimes. Hahaha!!!

Okay, i accept tat he is now the world num 2 tennis player BUT! Still,he is number one in my heart. I donno wat is his problem currently because it seems that his strokes tak se'powerful' dulu. Maybe because of his age i guess. Alright,tats it for my first hero. I have another hero to share with u. Hihi..

And..another hero is someone i care for which i can't tell u guys bout him. What i can say is tat, he is a nice person. I can't describe even more or else it won't be a secret anymore. Hahaha! He is not really a crush okay so..anis,dyla don't u ever think about someone else kay! hihi.. ^_^

Alrite,tats all for now. I don't know what to write actually so i came up with this idea which is pasal my hero lerr... If it's boring just ignore it but if it's kinda ok thanks for reading.

*longest post ever i guess..

Taaa!!! ;)

1 comment:

Anis said...

oh oh, kte tau yg awk ckp psl sapa? kte tgh nyani lg sunshine trough my window nih ( u know what i ment)

p/s: pleaselahh. nadal is wayyy better. he's hotand he's good. face the fact