Tuesday, November 11, 2008

a boring day

it's a borrrriiiinnngggg day today! haih. Today,i HAVE to go to school just because Cg Siti Noor wants to discuss about our class party. After a long n riot discuss(haha), at last we make our decision to go to Izzi Restaurant at Bukit Bintang! Great idea! I like it rather than going to Sunway Lagoon for party..like wat?? i mean..a lot of things u have to take care when u go there ok. I would prefer go there with my family actually. But..watever it is,it's just my opinion. We're going to the restaurant this Saturday..aaahhh hopefully my mum will give me permission to go. I don't wanna let go this opportunity to gather with my friends before yaahh u know...b4 they go to boarding school or move to another school. I'm gonna miss them sooo much. Besides, adilah told us tat the restaurant was amazing..i can't wait to seee it with my own cute eyes! hahaha! So vain...;p Mmm..anyway,this is one of the pictures of Izzi Restaurant. Do take a look. Kay,chowzz!

1 comment:

ariffah z. said...
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