Few days ago,went to Dyla's house. It was like a small reunion between her close friends. Only a few close friends were invited,some i knew since form 1,some since form 3 and some even since standard 1. It was a simple and fun reunion. It felt really happy to meet your close friends and talk to them before we go into our separate ways in the future. Adilah is going overseas to pursue her studies in medic. I am proud of her and i knew she could made it there. How i wish i pursue studies like her. Too bad,she's leaving this 10th Jan 2011,i'm gonna lose my nice-beautiful-smart-humble-adorable-precious friend. Hope to meet her again after 7 years from now.
Not forgotten,i met a few other friends, zully,qis,anis,qeyla,amal,dee,tyna,ain,eli,aiman,jerrick,brian,kaif,hanif. I can't really describe how happy am i to get to meet them that night. Yeah,i might not gonna have chance to meet them again next time. It was fun,i even had a chance to watch MEAN GIRLS with them. The food was great and i went home around 11 feeling really full. Thanks for everything,Adilah. And thanks for the invitation. I'm gonna miss you and have the best of luck there.
Haih. Everyone is going their separate ways agter SPM. Some took medicine and some took other courses. Everyone has their own plans in future. Some might end up studying locals and some might pursue studies overseas. Me? I'm not even sure yet,i'll just hope for excellent results and bright chance in getting a scholarship. The only good thing after SPM is,we get a full chance to meet hang out with friends more frequently. However,i'm kinda the hard one to go out,parents were strict enough. Nvm,insyaallah kalau nasib baik,oleh kar dgn kwn2. ;)
Oh,not forgotten. Good thing about SPM is my friends from boarding schools is back. I get a chance to meet them and actually have a loooonnnggg talk with them. It was fun. Most of them haven't changed at all and some changed into a better ones. Alhamdulillah.
Whatever it is, i just want to express how much i miss those moments and memories i had with them,my besties. Melawatians were great. They have all the good personalities you can see in a human being. Each one of them has a very unique way of enjoying life. You will never regret to actually know these people. All the fights,bad-mouthing and gossips were just a bit if the bitterness of life with friends. Soon it will be forgotten. More important is the strong bond of friendship you have during your school days. That is priceless.
Latly,my only wish is i could get to meet them,my friends soon in the future with our own life and ou own careers. I wish them the best of luck in entering the next phase of life a.k.a the adults world. ;) <3