Friday, December 24, 2010

Bye SPM,hye Results!

SPM is done! Done done done!
Now, waititng for driving license thingy and Uni. Hope to achieve the best !

March i guess will be SPM results...gosh! I'm freaking afraid plus nervous to know the results.
Phys was quite urgh. Bio paper 3 was a total surprising. Ag-tajwid was what?? but i guess i got it right,hehe,hopefully. Overall, SPM wasnt too much different than trials. Quite tough,so i can just hope for the best. At least i know i have try my best. Believe it or not,we spent time studying and praying hard for two years just for 9 days in SPM which determines our future ahead. Damn,how scary that is.
SO,just pray for the best. 9A+ please...straight A's kalau bolehhhhh.